When we get older there are certain things in our body that are weakening and pain begins to occur or fail, this due to the obvious wear we suffer through the passing of the years of our lives.

In addition, when we reach an advanced age not only suffer from wear and tear on the body, but also our body begins to work at a slower pace and therefore requires some stimulation and care to continue to function without problems.

That is why you can begin to develop problems in every aspect of our body, both structurally and with our organs. One of the most obvious problems can be a pain in the joints or muscle aches.

This drink can improve the condition of your joints, ligaments, and cartilages. Well, muscle and joint pain can develop at any age due to different factors, one of them being the physical effort, that is, the exercise or some physical activity that we perform as a sport or something like that.

pain is one of the most problematic, especially when we talk about the knees.

When it comes to this pain we can not depend on an analgesic, since this will only give us temporary relief and later the pain will return, which is quite tedious. Therefore, here we have a home remedy that can help you, you just need the following:


  • 1 teaspoon of organic honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 1 cup of natural orange juice
  • 2 cups of chopped pineapple
  • 8 ounces of crushed sweet almonds
  • 8 ounces of water

Procedure and use:

First, you have to cook the oatmeal for at least 10 minutes, then let it cool and add the other ingredients, process everything in the blender until it is homogeneous and the drink will be ready.

Drink two glasses of this drink during the day, one in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach and another in the afternoon. Do the treatment for fifteen days and your joints will stop bothering you.

Another important point for the health of our joints is what we eat, so we leave you some foods that will help you a lot with your joints.

5 Foods that help joints and ligaments

What can food do in this aspect? Good joint health also depends on proper nutrition, as some foods have certain properties that can help maintain it.

1. Water – The joints are bathed in synovial fluid, which reduces the friction between the cartilage and other tissues, cushioning and lubricating them in movement. The intake of water helps to synthesize the synovial fluid and achieve adequate lubrication at the joint level. Therefore, it is very important to make an adequate intake of water or isotonic drinks before, during and after exercise. Drinking 2L of water per day is enough to cover the needs of the body.

2. Onion and the like – Allium vegetables (garlic, onion, leeks, young garlic, etc.) are rich in sulfur, a mineral necessary for the formation of collagen and other elements that make up bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Several authors have verified that in high-impact exercises the demand for sulfur by the body is increased, with a slowing down of the joint repair process in poor diets in this mineral. Another type of food rich in sulfur are all kinds of cabbages and asparagus. It is preferable, that they do not fail in your diet.

3. Bluefish – Bluefish such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, salmon, etc. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a potent anti-inflammatory that acts by inhibiting the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. On the other hand, although it does not have a direct antioxidant effect, omega-3 fatty acids help to protect cell membranes from the harmful effects of oxidative processes that occur during the practice of physical exercise. To cover the needs of this type of fat, it is advisable to consume this type of fish at least twice a week. Other sources of omega 3 are nuts (especially nuts) and seeds (flax seeds).

4. Foods rich in vitamin C such as strawberry, kiwi, orange, tomato, raw peppers, broccoli, parsley, etc. This vitamin along with omega-3 inhibits the processes that occur with inflammation in the body. Likewise, it contributes to the synthesis and maintenance of collagen and cartilage, structures that are part of the joints. In addition, papaya and pineapple (fruits rich in vitamin C), contain papain and bromelain, substances with a high anti-inflammatory power. The consumption of fruit and vegetables should be daily and, of the 5 recommended daily rations, at least one of them should be composed of raw vegetables rich in vitamin C and another one for the fruits named above.

5. Meats and derivatives – this type of food help the maintenance of the joints from two aspects. The main one is its protein content, providing the necessary amino acids to synthesize the cartilage as well as preventing and reducing the recovery time of the lesions. On the other hand, they have a high content of iron and zinc, minerals necessary for the repair of injuries. Within a balanced diet a high consumption of meat is not adequate ( between 2 or 3 servings of 100g of meat per week), therefore, to reach protein requirements we can substitute meat for other foods rich in proteins and minerals such as nuts, legumes, and fish.

It is also important to have good bone health. Foods rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which participate in the formation of bones; and foods rich in vitamin D, which helps fix calcium in bones, will help strengthen our bones.

Finally, make a brief mention of the importance of controlling weight. It has been observed that overweight and obesity favor the appearance of joint injuries during exercise.

In short, the consumption of these foods within a balanced diet, varied and sufficient, can help strengthen the joints of athletes.

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