3 Top DIY Coffee Face Masks for Healthy and Gorgeous Skin

Sipping a cup of Coffee is an important part of daily regime for many.  Coffee is cherished for its ability to refresh a person from inside.  Similarly, coffee has a great role to play in refreshing the skin from outside too. 

Coffee has the potentiality to solve skin problems in no time.  It has many anti-oxidants that function against skin damage.  It plays a great role in reducing the puffiness under the eyes. 

Coffee can also be a great exfoliator.  It has the ability to penetrate deep into the pores and remove the impurities, which other exfoliators could not do.  Coffee can also make the tan disappear from skin. 

This will prove to be a perfect mask for all skin types. Here we present a few coffee face masks that will benefit your skin.

Is Coffee Mask Good for Skin?

  • Coffee has the ability to increase the blood circulation, which will provide you with a healthy skin.
  • Coffee possess the antioxidants that is required for the skin, this will leave your skin clean and clear.
  • Your skin can defend itself from the harmful UV rays and escape from skin damage.
  • You can feel for yourself how smooth your skin has turned out after using this pack
  • Also, the dimpling on your skin will get reduced.

DIY Coffee Face Masks Recipes:

1. Coffee and Honey Face Mask:


  • 1 tbsp of coffee powder
  • 1 tbsp of honey

How to do?

  • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl to make a fine paste
  • Now, apply this pack on the face and spread it on the skin.
  • Gently massage in circular motions.
  • Let it remain on the skin for 20 minutes and
  • Then rinse it off.

Benefit: This scrumptious combination could provide you with amazing results. Coffee’s anti-oxidant formula and honey’s moisturizing feature will provide you with a glowing and moisturized skin.

2. Yogurt Coffee and Honey Face Mask:


  • coffee beans
  • yogurt
  • oatmeal

How to do?

  • Grind all the ingredients to make a fine paste.
  • Apply this on the face and neck.
  • Let it remain on the skin for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it with warm water and pat the skin dry.

Benefit: Coffee and oatmeal are enriched with exfoliating properties and yogurt will tone the skin.

3. Coffee and Olive oil Face Mask:

You’ll Need:

  • 1 tbsp of coffee powder
  • 1 tbsp of olive oil

How to apply?

  • Take both the oils in a bowl and mix it well.
  • Apply this mixture over the face and neck.
  • Let it not dry on the skin.
  • Wash it after 3 minutes and note the difference.

Benefit: This face pack is a boon to my buddies with dry skin as olive oil has the talent to moisturize the skin with its rich source of vitamin.

Kitchen is a bundle of treasure, which contains handy medications for most problems.  Coffee is one such remedy for skin problems. 

When you have the treasure at your place, then why spend on commercial face packs, that eat up your wallet and provides with less or no results.

So buddies keep the cup of coffee away and prepare the masks to refresh your skin and make it glowing and reveal a youthful you!

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